About us

Welcome to Dojo Dolls, the world's first and finest Shibari practice dolls. I'm the founder, and the story of Dojo Dolls began from a personal need.

When I started my journey into the intricate world of Shibari, I found myself mesmerized by the beauty of the complex knots and binding patterns. But in those early stages, I was missing something crucial - a partner to practice with whenever I wished and a patient subject that would allow me to take my time to delve into the knots intricately.

The idea for a solution came to me in a spark of inspiration. I decided to create a doll - a practice partner that was always ready and never in a rush. Using high-quality materials, I sewed the first Dojo Doll myself. The result was a lifelike, durable doll that allowed me to practice my Shibari techniques to my heart's content.

The sense of freedom and convenience this doll offered was too good not to share. I felt that everyone, regardless of their experience level or availability of a practice partner, should have this opportunity to hone their Shibari skills at their pace.

Thus, Dojo Dolls was born.

Since then, our mission has been singular yet significant. We want to democratize the practice of Shibari - making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone, whether you have a partner or not. We've taken my initial design and perfected it over time, ensuring our dolls are of the highest quality and provide a lasting service.

At Dojo Dolls, we take great pride in the craftsmanship and quality that goes into each doll. We are deeply committed to providing our customers with a practice partner that mirrors the realism of human proportions, but with the durability to withstand extensive use.

Our dolls, made from premium cotton materials, are robust and designed to last for many years. We believe this speaks volumes about our dedication to quality and the satisfaction of our customers.

Join us on this journey. Experience the freedom and the joy of practicing Shibari anytime, anywhere, with your very own Dojo Doll. Together, let's make the art of Shibari accessible to all.

Welcome to the family, 

Frederik, Founder, Dojo Dolls

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